We’ve just pushed live a new update for DupeFree Pro.
When you next run DFP you should get a prompt saying there are new updates availible, or you can manually run the DFP updater form the Orb menu.
This update contains a few bug fixes as well as a cool new feature for the Visual Editor core.
We’re pretty sure you’re going to love the new feature we’ve added to the Visual Editor. Basically, when you are now editing your articles and your text cursor (also known as a “caret”) is inside a highlighted duplicate content text area, the highlighted text in both article editing windows will show a darker border around them. This makes finding matching text pairs across both windows very quick and easy. So, all in all, another huge time saver for when rewriting your articles. - Check out this posts image above to see it in action.
The bug fixes for this update are:
- Some minor stability improvements
- Text spacing issue fixed when copy-pasting text containing formatting
- Bulleted/Numbered list exporting and copy-pasting to text files contained double lined spacing between list items.
- Readying for new add-on module (to be released very soon)
That’s it for this DFP update. We have an exciting new announcement we’ll be making soon so keep an eye out for it (hint: new add-on module release and website revamp!).