We’ve just pushed live a new update for DupeFree Pro. This update contains some minor bug fixes and improvements.
When you next start DupeFree Pro you will receive a prompt window letting you know there are new updates available. If you click “yes” to get them, the DFP Updater window will appear. Simply login as usual with your TekkTonix Customer account login details and select all the available module updates before clicking “install”. After clicking “install” you will be asked to close DFP, allow this to happen so that the updates can be downloaded and installed. After this has completed DFP will then start up again with the latest updates installed and applied.
Here is the change log for this update:
* Default project article selection issue fixed in Online Check Module
* Improved article to browser duplicate content highlighting in Online Check Module
* New/removed Add-On Module licensing detection bug fixed
* Some code optimization