It’s been a while since we made our last post to the blog. But fear not, we are busy behind the scenes working on new things for DFP
This is just a quick post to let you all know that the helpdesk has been moved.
We’re in the process of simplifying the TekkTonix brand and websites to make it much easier to navigate around and get support. We’ve released that back when we set up TekkTonix, we tried to hard to have everything and be all things, and in the end this just diluted our focus and used up our time on things that didn’t ultimately warrant it. It’s much better to go with the principle “less is more”. So, we are going through a big shake up to make everything simpler and easier for both us and you, our users. And this begins with the helpdesk…
The helpdesk is now integrated with the TekkTonix customer/affiliate portal (https://tekktonix.com/hq/), and so your existing TekkTonix username and password can be used to login and create support tickets inside the TekkTonix portal. In fact, even if you don’t have TekkTonix account, you can still use the helpdesk to quickly and easily submit a ticket to us.
To use the new support helpdesk simply either navigate to the helpdesk form itself:
…or simply login to the TekkTonix customer/affiliate portal and click the menu item “Account” and then click “My Support Tickets” – Easy!
If you have tickets in the old helpdesk, you’ll be unable to access them now as the hepdesk has been closed. So, please open a new ticket at the new helpdesk for all future contact. If you need to get something from an old ticket in the old helpdesk, we do still have access to it, so we can always retrieve info/data for you if you contact us and let us know what you’re looking for.
Lastly, we’d just like to thank you for your patience while we go through these changes, and keep a look out for some updates to TekkTonix and DupeFree Pro in the not to distant future!