UPDATE: This issue is now fixed in the new Online Check module update issued today (11th August 2011).
Just a quick post to let you know that Yahoo! has just changed the way they are displaying their search results count.
This has resulted in DupeFree Pro returning a zero for the search counts for Yahoo! Online Checks. Despite this issue, DFP will of course continue to enable to you to examine the search results by clicking on the search count numbers under the Yahoo! column in the “Text Selection Search Results” table.
We are currently working on the update to this change at Yahoo!, and it will be pushed out live to you very shortly. We will post here at the blog when the update is made live.
Thank you for your patience while we make the changes necessary inside DupeFree Pro.
On a related note, we are about to change AOL in the Online Check Module to another search engine that is bigger and more reliable. All details will be posted soon.